I was inspired by the question about what I loved between the ages of 7 and 14. As an immigrant, I wasn’t aware of how much we didn’t have until we were told by fellow classmates. I cherished the things we had. We knew they were hard-earned. The pandemic hit my home hard and heavy, and I needed to bring a lightness to our home. I often share my memories of growing up with my children, so much so that they think the 70s and 80s were the best decades. They are not wrong. So I decided that I would illustrate some of my favorite things from that period. I dug up the items that I have kept in my trunk. It was so fun to look and draw and reflect on each item. But more importantly, it was really telling how each item that I kept in physical form, formed me as an adult. It was a transformative process to see, reflect and understand these items. And to be fully immersed in the amount of joy their memory brings.